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Musician and rockstar turned Twitter guru and marketing strategist, AJ Amyx, joins us for a follow-up episode to teach us how to build relationships, a following, and your business using Twitter!

For AJ, where it all starts in business is helping and inspiring others to pursue their passions.

Many times we feel stuck in a job weโ€™re not happy with, or simply unfulfilled with what it is we do for work each day, but it doesnโ€™t have to be that way.

A bridge that AJ found to quickly connect with people, join conversations, and build relationships (and ultimately customers) was Twitter.

Whatโ€™s unique about the Twitter community is that unlike most other social media platforms where conversations are private, Twitter conversations are intentionally public and when you join the conversation with something valuable to add, you are welcomed!

One question that often comes up is how do I create meaningful, valuable content in only 140 characters?

AJโ€™s recommendation is start to think like a journalist. View your tweets as headlines that are there to motivate someone to click your link to a longer article, post, etc..

Another common question that comes up is, since people are there to connect with other people, what percentage of the time do you weave in personal content or information?

AJโ€™s tweets are about 5-10% personal (which are still related to his overall content strategy), and 90-95% his core content strategy.

Next, weโ€™ve heard a common theme over and over again, when it comes to establishing relationships with influential people in your niche, which is to GIVE first.

On Twitter, that couldnโ€™t be easier. All you have to do is share or retweet pieces of their content that you like!

Direct messages, are they still relevant on Twitter?

Absolutely! But, you have to use them in a genuine and โ€œhumanโ€ way. Nobody wants a spammy auto response direct message to go buy something, etc..

Using direct messages the way they were intended is a fantastic way to connect with people!

As AJ points out, โ€œItโ€™s all about relationships.โ€ And, Twitter is arguably the best social media relationship-building platform available.

One of the biggest opportunities we see on Twitter is the ability to advertise.

Historically, new platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook went through a period of coming into their own with regard to advertising. Twitter is approaching that tipping point.

So, how do you get started on Twitter if you donโ€™t have a lot of time?

As AJ mentioned in his last episode with us, your graphic design is hugely important when it comes to how you and your brand are perceived. So, make sure you have good design, a good photo of you, a great bio, and start building a history of tweets with high value content.

And, a final thought from AJ:

โ€œFigure out what is your stance, and then buy into it that you are literally born to liberate somebody.โ€

Thatโ€™s it! Go! Liberate!

If AJโ€™s passion, tips, and enthusiasm has you fired up, please leave us a comment below and tell us what you loved!


Make sure you check out AJ’s short episode below on branding your social media called:

Leveraging Your Virtual Real Estate on Social!

Episode Resources

AJ’s Website
Follow AJ on Twitter

Ritetag (Hashtag research tool)

Hootsuite (social media management software)

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