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Hey hey! Welcome to episode 169 of Life on Fire. The Internet is always changing and the latest trend is live streaming. Whether itโ€™s Periscope, Snapchat or now video on Facebook live streaming content is the hot hand!

On todayโ€™s episode Iโ€™m joined by Vince Reed of Internet Traffic Live to talk about how to live stream video on Facebook and how to leverage that content to its fullest extent and grow your audience in the process. Vince is a lead gen and traffic expert who helps his audience create their own economy through programs, systems and 1 on 1 coaching.

In this episode youโ€™ll hear:

  • What does it mean to have Facebook verified fan page? (2:10)
  • Why being the first to market with a strategy is so powerful. (5:45)
  • The many ways to leverage content you create. (10:00)
  • What should you do if you can’t get verified? (11:10)
  • Why having enough leads is the saving grace for your business. (14:45)
  • And so much more!

Vince is the go-to expert in his industry: lead generation and traffic. He stays on top of the latest advancements and changes in that marketplace; and today heโ€™s sharing what he knows about the latest tool from Facebook: live streaming video.

By now youโ€™ve probably seen the notification about a live streaming video from someone you follow on Facebook. Right now theyโ€™re in the testing phase of this option and eventually, once the bugs are worked out, it will become available to all Facebook users.

Right now you have to have a verified Facebook page to live stream, and thereโ€™s a link in the Resources section below that shows you how to request to have your page verified.

Of course if you donโ€™t have a Facebook fan page set one up! Start growing your audience, gaining fans, sharing content and generally interacting with your community there. Once youโ€™ve done that then use the link to request verification from Facebook.

Whether you have a fan page, and whether itโ€™s verified or not itโ€™s good to be one of the first to market with a new tool. With live streaming video in particular itโ€™s great because of the multiple uses and ways to leverage the content.

For example when your video goes live and is being broadcast a notification goes out to all your followers. They can share the link with their friends and connections on Facebook. After you record your video you can post it on YouTube, you can email your list and you can also post it on your Facebook page. Even better? You can run a Facebook ad to it!

Vince explains those multiple uses in greater detail on todayโ€™s show and we discuss his upcoming event, Internet Traffic Live. His event is happening here in San Diego in May of this year and itโ€™s an annual occurrence.

In addition to the connections youโ€™ll make with your fellow attendees and the incredible speakers, you can also expect to learn new and innovative ways of getting more leads. Vince shares his secrets on exactly what heโ€™s doing right now, and why! He says it changes so often, in fact what heโ€™s talking about on stage this year is different than what he spoke about last year.

By attending you can expect to have more leads in your business thanks to the deep level strategies youโ€™ll learn – and youโ€™ll walk away with information to help you get better results and benefits right away.

Donโ€™t miss all of that plus what Vince says to do if your Facebook isnโ€™t or doesnโ€™t become verified! Itโ€™s all here on episode 168 of Life on Fire TV.