Hey hey! Welcome to episode 198 of Life on Fire. Since The Secret became a worldwide phenomena, most of us have created vision boards or at least have heard of them.

But if youโ€™ve created a vision board only to have it not come true, there may be some crucial steps you havenโ€™t taken.

On this show Iโ€™ll explain the key components of creating a vision board guaranteed to make your dreams a reality. Iโ€™ll also give you several examples from my own life highlighting how Iโ€™ve used these strategies to buy and sell a business by 30 and to meet and marry the woman of my dreams! Check it out on episode 198 of Life on Fire.

In this episode youโ€™ll hear:

  • How can you reframe fearful thoughts? (3:45)
  • The role action plays in creating a vision board that works. (4:55)
  • What my tattoo will teach you about achieving your goals. (8:30)
  • Why are monthly incremental goals are so crucial? (13:35)
  • My letter describing my next vision: a real-life example for you to follow. (15:00)
  • And so much more!

When I was 28 years old, I was 50k in debt. I had had 11 business failures since deciding to be an entrepreneur at the age of 28. Everyone was doubting me, telling me to be more like my brother and get a โ€œrealโ€ job, etc.

But one day my mom gave me a copy of The Secret, the book, and wrote I believe in you inside. For a split second all the fear, stress, and overwhelm, all melted away. In that split second I had the courage to believe in me too. So I read the book in one sitting, and it changed my life! It was exactly what I needed at the exact right moment.

The Secret showed me how my thoughts were creating exactly what was showing up in my life. What we think about we bring out, and I was bringing about more fear and stress with my thoughts.

After reading the book I felt inspired and decided I would sell a company in two years, by the time I was 30. Even thought I didn’t have a business to build and sell at the time, that was my goal. So I created a vision board to help me visualize that goal over and over again.

But I didnโ€™t stop with a vision board, I took even more action: I wrote a letter to myself. This letter was written as if I had already achieved the goals I created in my vision board. This is a key step after you create your vision board: write a letter to yourself as if your goals have come true and your vision board is now reality!

The next key step is to break your vision down into monthly goals, and post them publicly on Facebook. That is exactly what I did after creating my vision board and writing a letter to myself.

And hereโ€™s what happened: even thought I didnโ€™t have a business at the time my vision was to create one, build one and sell one before I was 30. So when I saw an advertisement for an Eben Pagan event, I went. At the event I was inspired to learn Facebook ads and help other business owners with their ads.

It didnโ€™t take long for my business to take off, my Facebook marketing agency was growing like crazy. It was my first major career success, part of my vision had come true.

Now I had built and grown a business, the remaining piece of the puzzle was to sell it. It was two months from my 30th birthday when one of my clients offered to buy my business. They wanted more of my time and I said no, I wanted to stay diversified. So they offered to buy my agency.

I agreed and the sale of my business happened just before I turned 30; I had achieved my goals and my vision board had come true!

Now if youโ€™re thinking this was just a fluke, listen in to hear how I used this same technique and set of steps to find and marry the woman of my dreams. Join me for episode 198 and be inspired to envision and create your life on fire too!