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Hey hey! Welcome to episode 210 of Life on Fire. Today youโ€™re going to hear one attendeeโ€™s story about attending a Life on Fire event, and how doing so helped her transform an old, limiting belief into a positive, and motivating one!

On this episode, Charissa da Silva of The Branded You joins us to talk about why attending this event came at the perfect time in her life and what sheโ€™s doing today. She candidly shares the emotions and thought process she went through during the first two days of the last Life on Fire event. Youโ€™ll hear what is was like for her, why it was so impactful and the business sheโ€™s created today as a result of being there.

In this episode youโ€™ll hear:

  • What fear Charissa faced on the first night of the event, and why it was so powerful.ย 
  • Can we be successful on our own?ย 
  • What was the first step in her transformation?ย 
  • How she got two clients before the end of the second day!ย 
  • What advice she has for anyone considering attending a Life on Fire event.ย 
  • And so much more!

Today Charissa runs a branding and web site business called The Branded You. She helps people get clear about where they have potential, helps them to find their light and illuminate their businesses online. She founded the company in April of this year, after a strong desire to do something different in her career.

Back in October of 2015 she was looking for something to help her move in a new direction. She had been working in her family business and was losing her passion for it, as was everyone else involved.

A Life on Fire video found its way to her, she watched it and, through the magic of Facebook targeting, Life on Fire continued to pop up in her newsfeed. She liked how personable and nice Nick seemed and she wanted to do something different to help her figure out what was next, so she eventually signed up.

Once she took the plunge, she got more and more amped up for the event! The emails helped her get excited and she couldnโ€™t wait to go. But on the first night of the event she came face to face with a long-standing fear of hers: breaking a wooden board.

She remembered trying to do the same thing when she was a lot younger and never succeeding. As a result, she felt like she had never been able to follow through and complete things. But this time she was determined to focus, prepare and overcome her fear by breaking the board.

While standing in line awaiting her turn, she became more and more terrified. In fact, she was holding back tears while trying to mentally prepare herself for the experience. People around her saw her distress and tried to help alleviate her fears, but she told them to leave her alone.

Until she realized she was isolating herself, something Nick had told them earlier in the day would never lead to success. No one can succeed on their own, we all need help. She knew she needed help and the support was available all around her. So she turned to the man behind her, apologized and asked him to share about himself.

Connecting with him helped her calm down so she could go for it when it was her turn with the board.

When she didnโ€™t succeed on her first attempt, that old fear crept up again and she was afraid she wouldnโ€™t be able to follow through. But she listened to the person holding the board for her, focused on them and focused on seeing the space behind the board. She took a second turn and succeeding!

But the transformation didnโ€™t end there for Charissa! She was called to the hot seat on day two, and had to confront another fear of being the center of attention. Listen in to find out what that was like for her and so much more on episode 210 of Life on Fire!