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Todayโ€™s featured entrepreneur has made millions blogging and heโ€™s here to share with us how. We are super fired up for you to hear Ray Higdonโ€™s story and strategies!

After the bottom fell out of the real estate market, Ray found himself in a bit of a desperate situation and needed to generate income, fast.

It was right at this time that he discovered network marketing.

Ray didnโ€™t have an existing online presence he could tap into, a list, or even an online funnel. He had to build his business through pure grit.

And, when it comes to network marketing, itโ€™s often a rapidly polarizing conversation.

However, unlike the typical abrasive approach that way too many network marketers take, Rayโ€™s approach was to very quickly disqualify those who were not interested.

Next, when it came to blogging, his logic was that he could build and write his blog posts in a way that they had shelf life and they became assets that could continue to generate business for him for years to come.

His blogging philosophy is that heโ€™s in it for the long haul.

His approaches donโ€™t necessarily generate new income overnight, heโ€™s not overly concerned with how each blog post is going to turn into a transaction, or with getting things perfectly search engine optimized.

His primary focus is building community and asking himself, is this something my community would want to read and would get value from?

For any business, the #1 reason for blogging is to build your list and build your community, Ray points out.

One of the biggest mistakes Ray sees is bloggers not having any sort of free giveaway, or โ€œlead magnetโ€ as a way to generate more opt-ins to your list and provide more value.

Rayโ€™s advice when it comes to your lead magnet is to ask yourself, โ€œWhat does my target market stay up late at night thinking about?โ€

Speak more about their problem than your solution.

And, when it comes to optimizing your content so that it has the biggest impact on your business, one simple change Ray made was to put a call to action at the end of all of your content.

Your call to action may be to get your free giveaway, sign up for a webinar, or take some next step.

Donโ€™t assume your prospects always know what you want them to do next, and donโ€™t assume that everyone who consumes your content is already on your list.

Speaking of which, Ray has two great ways you can get more from him!

First is his podcast, which you can find at

And, Ray has free training which you can take at!

If you thought Ray rocked on this episode of Life on Fire TV, please leave a comment below!

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Ray’s Podcast

Ray’s Info Marketing Free Training

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