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Hey hey! Welcome to episode 154 of Life on Fire. Our most valuable and precious commodity is time, itโ€™s something we can never buy back or replace. So how can we make leverage our time to crush it in our businesses – and enjoy our lives in the process?

Thatโ€™s what weโ€™ll be talking about on todayโ€™s show. Specifically weโ€™ll cover my top productivity tips that will help you no matter what industry youโ€™re in or where youโ€™re at with your business. And youโ€™ll also hear a live hot seat session with two of my elite Firestarter clients.

Productivity is an area we can all improve in. As Iโ€™ve grown Life on Fire Iโ€™ve learned a lot of helpful tips and suggestions to make the most of the time I invest in my business. Iโ€™ve got 12 tips for you – directly from my own experience!

In this episode youโ€™ll hear:

โ€ข What part of the day is most critical to success? (8:20)
โ€ข Are you creating profits or just busy work? How to know the difference. (16:20)
โ€ข The importance of deadlines. (19:30)
โ€ข Why what you eat plays a role in your success. (31:20)
โ€ข How to handle the challenges of being an entrepreneur. (39:30)
โ€ข And so much more!

1.) My first tip for more productivity is to create a morning routine.
How you start your day is up to you, you CAN choose to be a morning person! The key is to make it fun and youโ€™ll want to get up and get going.

Make some time for exercise, listening to inspirational material and eating a lean, clean breakfast. Do it for 30 days and see how you feel.

2. Focus on profit-producing activities.

An easy way to do this is to journal your days. Put everything you do in your journal and youโ€™ll see where you are spending your time. Then you can tell if youโ€™re doing income-producing activities or just busy work.

3. Calendar everything.

This goes hand in hand with #2. Whatever it is youโ€™re going to do for that day put it in your calendar and stick to it. Give yourself a start time and an end time for each day.

4. Create time blocks.

When youโ€™re creating that calendar use time blocks and batch your time according to the activity youโ€™re doing. Set aside a specific day and time for making sales calls, for doing coaching calls, etc.

Itโ€™s important to do right-brained activities on specific days and left-brained activities on other days, otherwise youโ€™re going to tire yourself out and you wonโ€™t be at your best. Also give yourself time to work ON your business from a high level standpoint, and not just in it.

5. Give yourself a break.

You need time throughout your day to eat, drink plenty of water and get in short bursts of exercise. Doing those three things will keep your energy up and keep you from feeling fatigued (also telling yourself youโ€™re going to have energy all day will help!).

So schedule breaks regularly and in short intervals.

6. Binaural beats.

Thereโ€™s an app called Relax that I use. It is a binaural beats app that tunes your brainwaves to help you focus better on the task at hand. I pop in my ear buds, listen to it while Iโ€™m focused and I get more done in less time!

7. The fuel you feed your body.

What you feed your body plays a pivotal role in how much energy you have, and the more energy you have the more you can accomplish in less time!

For 30 days try not eating carbs, and drinking more water during your workdays. Add in some greens – I like Amazing Greens – for extra energy between meals. Youโ€™ll feel the difference when you do.

8. Get a standing desk.

You donโ€™t have spend a few thousand dollars to do this, try something like Varidesk that goes on top of your existing desk. I do this, and it definitely has boosted my productivity!

9. Be aware of your emotions.

Learn how to detach yourself from certain outcomes or situations. Your self-worth shouldnโ€™t be tied to whether or not you make a sale. Youโ€™ll create more energy and more joy in your business if you donโ€™t depend on a specific scenario to be happy in your business.

10. Set micro goals throughout the day.

I do this for myself, you mightโ€™ve guessed by now how much I love setting goals! But when I get everything accomplished for my day I stop what Iโ€™m doing, even if it means my workday is over at 5pm rather then the 6pm I had scheduled.

And then I reward myself, something you should do as well. Give yourself the gift of a massage or go enjoy a hobby of yours when youโ€™ve finished early that day. Youโ€™re worth it and your business will thank you for it!

11. Make time for fun.

Yes you should take your work seriously but not so seriously you never have fun! Be your best, do your best but enjoy life too. Everyone has challenges and once you embrace those challenges everything in your business will become more enjoyable.

Thatโ€™s part of being an entrepreneur: the more successful you become the bigger your challenges will be. If youโ€™ve got big challenges youโ€™re doing something right!

12. Journal your week.

Write down what happened in your week and reference your calendar when you do. Itโ€™ll be easy to see whatโ€™s working, whatโ€™s not working and where you can adjust when you calendar everything and then write it out in your journal.

And those are the top 12 ways I recommend to be more productive and have more joy in your business. Take whichever of those appeals to you and apply it to your business, create your own blend of tips and make it your own to fit who you are and what you do.

If you have anything youโ€™d like to add leave a comment below, Iโ€™d love to know what has worked for you!

On this episode we also talk with two of my Firestarter clients about what theyโ€™re doing in their health and fitness to make a big impact on the world, and I put them on the hot seat! Thereโ€™s plenty to discover from what they share so tune in and enjoy episode 154 of Life on Fire.