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Weโ€™ve all heard the saying, โ€œItโ€™s not what you know, itโ€™s who you know.โ€

Networking and being a โ€œconnectorโ€ can be one of the fastest ways to grow your business.

Another commonly noted observation is that your income is the average of the 5 people you hang around with the most.

So, if your current network is not comprised of people who are making what you want to make, then itโ€™s time to start networking up!

A great way to open new doors and expand your network vertically is to attend events in your industry.

And, the best part is, you donโ€™t even have to have anything you can personally offer someone who youโ€™re trying to connect with. If youโ€™re in the process of building a solid, influential network in your industry, all that you may need to solidify a relationship to someone is introducing them to someone else.

Everyone attends events and networking functions with a โ€œwhatโ€™s in it for meโ€ mindset.

Donโ€™t be that guy or gal. Be the person at the networking event who walks up and asks questions like, โ€œWhat do you need right now? How can I help you? Who (or what type of people) do you need to connect with at this event?โ€

Ask those types of questions to enough people, and suddenly you become a connector, which can provide far greater benefit, many times, than simply passing a referral to a sale.

Next, collecting business cards is great. But, in this electronics age, a much better way to track key contacts is to put them directly into your phone, or better yet, have them put their own information into your phone. From there, immediately text them with your complete contact record (your โ€œdigital business cardโ€).

And, make sure you connect with the person on Facebook!

Now, get yourself out there. Find the next event you can attend, throw a cocktail mixer for your area if possible, and become the person who knows everyone in your industry!

Excited to grow your network and implement these ideas? If so, comment below!

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If you liked this episode, you might also like our episode on Overcoming Fear. Watch it now HERE!

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